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The Biggest Impacts of Choosing a Niche

When you pick the niche for your new site, you are actually picking much more than just a niche. This decision isn't just going to affect what you are writing about for the lifetime of your new business – it is also going to impact very nature of your business model and the very fabric of your website…

It can't be overstated just how important this is for the eventual success of your blog as a whole. So to demonstrate just what a profound impact this one decision will make, read on to see some of the top areas affected by your choice…

Choosing The Right Niche Can Either Make Or Break Your Success

Find Your Niche Online
The Look
When you choose a niche, this will almost certainly impact the design of your logo. In turn, this is likely to spill over into the look of your site if you want to strengthen your brand identity. As a result, your web design will be heavily influenced by your choice of subject matter – which is why football sites tend to be green and technology sites tend to be white/blue/silver.

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The Tone
The niche you choose is also going to dictate the tone of your site and the ‘voice' you use. A website on lifestyle for instance might have a colloquial and ‘fun' tone of voice, as though you are speaking directly to your audience. On the other hand though, a website on finance or on medicine is going to sound a lot more professional with far more terminology.

Your Audience
This is one of the biggest ways your niche will influence your business model : once you choose your topic, you will also have decided on the type of person who is likely to read your content. In turn, this will influence the types of interactions you have on your site, the amount of loyalty your audience displays and even their disposable income.

Monetization Options
The way you monetize your website will depend on which products and adverts are available. If you are in the “make money” niche for instance, you will find there are tons of eBooks and courses being sold on the topic and that people are willing to spend a lot of money here, viewing it as an investment.

But on the other hand, if you are writing about your favourite TV show, there won't be many things you can sell without facing copyright issues – which means you will likely make most of your money through Amazon sales.

Become a Niche Authority today and Dominate the niche you choose!

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